Thursday, September 22, 2005

History Part III - The Resurrection

It was about a year and a half until I was active again. Meek had been concerned about playing over dial up, over connectivity issues and the such. This was one reason for my long dormancy. Luckily for me, Meek decided to try on line poker out again once the house was built. While I was gone, Meek read a few books. I had seen Hold'em Poker for Advanced Players, and Caro's Book of Poker Tells. Here we go again, I was thinking. This guy was reading about tells, but he is an internet player. At least he was showing interest in the game. And what was this book for 'Advanced Players'? Didn't he realize he is playing itty bitty limits? Just because he knew the terms and how to trap, he thought he was ready for Advanced. *sigh* Let's see how long this run would last.

Meek and I went down the same path, $100 into Party, build it up a bit through SnGs, withdraw the $100. He had me built up above $100 again, and he had a breakthrough. He found a blog about poker. This is what he had been looking for the first time around. Before, he was experiencing on line poker by himself. He had friends that played in a home game every month, but no one to talk over Poker respectably, with an informed opinion. It was all caused by a news piece, the death of Hunter S. Thompson. Meek read about this some where and saw Thompson's tie in with poker. A search on the topic pulled up this article on Mean Gene's website. Meek downloaded the archives and read through them. After he had read all of those up to date, he then moved on to another and another. Meek now had a blueprint on internet poker play, and a community to help fan the flames of his poker interest.
(To be continued)


Yoyo (Poker Poison) said...

The community is pretty great!!!

Hope you have lots of success. See ya at the tables.

April said...

Awesome blog.